Thursday, July 2, 2009

Fame Results In A Loss Of Freedom

It is undoubtedly true that fame results in a loss of freedom. Some people argue that when you become famous you lose your freedom, while others claim that the freedom saves even the position of a personality. The question here is – do the fame people lose their freedom? When a person become famous, he/she sets aside for lose a part of his/her personality. He/she loses – friends, wins-betrayers and other important things. The luxury, the money and the wealth are for account of the loss of your family and your relatives.

Firstly many stars lose their freedom in the ambition to attract fans and to attract the attention. Secondly he/she is put under usual chase of the fans and photographs, who are trying to find something new about the famous people. Finally he/she loses the freedom to do what he/she wants. He/she is suppresses from all, who are observe and who are trying to find something new about star.

On the other hand a person can save the freedom and his/her personality independently of his/her material position. In addition when you change the way of your life does not mean that at all costs you change yourself, your habits and your behavior. Last of all when a star does not change his/her self, he/she is nearer to his/her fans.
That is the prize of the glory and the wealth. Some people lose their self blindness of the money.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Fame results in a loss of freedom

Fame can be defined as the determination
to be reach and happy. Some people argue
that without fame our life will be harder. On
the other hand others claim that with it our
life is not our. Evrybody will know your ege,
the colour of your eyes and hair. What you do
at 10:00 am. EVRYTHING.

What is true is that people who are famous
have a lot of freedom. Firs of all they can

travel really often. In addition they have
a lot of free time to care about themselves.
And finally, if they are famous they will be
invited at many parties so if they go that
means they are free to go.

On the other hand, it is abvious that fame
cant give you freedom. First of all if you are
famous all around you will have so many
paparazzi. That won't give you freedom.
Moreover, you will have lots of work to do.
For example, if you are a singer you will
have really busy life because of the many
concerts. And the last bun not least you
won't be free because there will be many
interviewers to take you an interview.

So to be famous won't give you a real freedom.
“Wealth doesnot bring us happiness”

We all can dafine the word “happiness’’ in different ways. Some people agrue, that without money you can’t be happy. But on the other hand, there are people who realise that we don’t need it, because there are more important things in our life.

What is true, is that people who are rich are happy as much, as the others are.Firstly, everyone of us had dreamed about wealth. But if we had it would we want it ?! Because with money you can buya house, but not – home. You can buy a doctor, but not- health. You can buy a clock, but not – time. So,the rich people don’ have freedom, because every their step is followed by papparazzi and medies and thay have been reconised everywhere. Moreover the rich people think how to sum up their money only.Like they live in another world, completely different of ours.

On the other hand the rich people have some freedom . Firstly, for them there isn’t door which is closed. In audition if it is closed they will open it again. Secondly,that kind of people can do what they want . That people can let their children go to qualitative schools and than universities.The rich people can make their dreams come true. They just secure their future, because they know that the money control the world.

So, we can’t say that the walth doesnot bring us happiness . It depends how we understand the word “ happiness”. And the real wealth comes when we are happy!

Aleksandra Koykova
“Fame results in a loss of freedom”

Famous people have good views, money, modern cars and beautiful houses, but do they have freedom?!

Some people agrue,that famous people don’t have freedom, because nobody respects their privacy. That kind of people are always followed by papparazzi and journalists. I audition they want to know everything- who they are dating with, what they are doing in their free time. When they did somethig, agter 30 minutes the whole world knows about it. Furthmore it affects their families and friends too. Their relatives suffer instead of them.

Finnaly they have no place to hide. Famous people have been reconised everywhere. And the whole world knows ans spys them every single second, just because of the fame.On the other hand there are people who think, that famous people have some kind of freedom. The well-known people have right to choose,because if they say something, the whole world will agree that, just because it is said by them.

The familiar people can go anywhere. They can”live on the moon” if they want. And there is no one and absolutely nothing which can put them off.That is another kind of freedom.
In conclusion we can say that the people, who are famous have some kind of freedom, but most of the time nobody respects their personal life.

Aleksandra Koykova

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Fame results in a loss of freedom

Famous people are these people who we are looking everyday on TV , Internet , newspapers. Some people argue that fame brings free. However, others claim that If you are famous you lose your freedom.

What is true that famous people have a completely different way of life from ours. First of all, fame brings free. They can do everything: when they decide they can change their lives absolutely different. Furthermore, famous people earn a lot. For example, film stars take on a film millions of dollars. Because of that they have big houses and expensive cars. Lastly, stars can join in other causes. For example, Angelina Jolie join in some kind of charity causes.

On the other hand, it is also obvious that fame lose your freedom. The first and the most is that famous people haven`t personal lives. All the time they are in public eyes. They are followed by photographers, paparaci. Moreover, they can`t be themselves. When they give interview they have to talk to like to the other people. Last of all, yellow newspapers write lies about stars. For example, some actor took drugs or drunk last night in some disco etc.

To sum up, it can be argue that to be fame isn`t easy. To be stress all the time is not for everybody and isn`t such good idea. Nevertheless, fame gives you free to do what you want but on the other day all the world will understand.

Vaska Churkova

Saturday, June 20, 2009

''Fame results in a loss of freedom''

Some people argue that fame gives freedom and the life of the famoust people must be diffrent from theirs ,while others claim that fame creates only problems....

It is undoubtely true that fame gives everything what a person needs.First of all it gives finantional support and lots of money.Secondly it gives you one of the peple's dreams - to trevel over the world and see sights whitch poor people can't imagine even.
Lastly you can meet famoust stars and have a lot of friends.

On the other hand, it's true that fame makes ''a barier to the world''... The first and the most important is that is that there's no social life... People people only want to be your friends for a personal welfare.Moreover,if the famoust person is very insolent he brokes his relationships,familyships and friendships.When you are alone you understand that you are in a deep water ,without anyone next to you.Last but not least is that your manager,or another person tells you what to wear,how to look,how to behave and etc.

It can be argued that fame is nice,fame is important but not only fame gives you the reasont for living,the reasont for living gives you those things which you lose when you are famoust....

Ivana Kalinkova

Friday, June 19, 2009

ESSAY Fame results in a loss of freedom

Fame results in a loss of freedom
True or False?

Fame can be defined as the popularity of a person. Some people argue that fame doesn’t take people’s freedom and you are not different from the others if you are famous. On the other hand others claim that with it, we have no private life.

What is true is that people who are famous have a completely different way of living from those who are not. Firstly, the famous people are wealthy and they can afford many things.Furthermore, these people care about their appearance looking because they are always photographed. So they keep fit and eat healthy food. Lastly, the famous people can live longer because of their healthy way of life.Nevertheless, it is also obvious that fame takes freedom. Famous people do not have private life. They are controlled by their image. They try to keep fit, to sport and keep their reputation but this needs so much time that they lose their own. Moreover, if they look bad they will be photographed again but this will ruin their image. If you are famous everybody would like an autograph from you. In the beginning you will feel happy but after some time you will think they are very annoying and stop giving autographs and you will be hated.In conclusion, it can be argued that fame could result affect freedom negatively. If fame is used unwisely it can take your life.

Geore Ovcharov

Wealth does not bring happiness

For many people wealth and more exactly money is everything. But there are more important things than money, wealth etc. Yes, it is right that you can buy lots of things with money, but imagine that one of your most important people is really sick; can you buy him/her health??? Think about it. Not one person had said that rich people have no friends. This is because this type of human а very greedy, they are selfish and very very alone.

Have you ever noticed that in Latino serial films, the good character is poor, and the evil one is bad and he has a bad behavior? So rich, greedy and selfish people had designed their bad reputation and in the most times they are alone.

Fame results in a loss of freedom

Some people argue that famous people have a lot of freedom, while others claim that fame results in a loss of freedom.

It is undoubtedly true that fame results in a loss of freedom. Firstly, because the famous people are very busy with work. Secondly, because when somebody
is famous around him/her there are a lot of fans who want autographs.

On the other hand it is also ovious that the fame sometimes doesn't results in a loss of freedom. Some famous people don’t think only to be famous. Some of these people spend their time going on worthy causes, sporting and doing lots of other things.

In conclusion it can be argued that the freedom doesn't depend on fame, it depends on people that have that fame.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Fame results in a loss of freedom

Everyone thinks that being famous is a great thing, but everything has it's flaws. And one of them is the loss of freedom.

It is undoubtedly true that when you are famous everyone will be after you. Firstly, when people see you walking down the street they'll want an autograph for sure. And imagine what would happen if a whole class of students sees you! Furthermore, it's those annoying paparazzi! They will be hiding in every corner, waiting for you to show up and make a hundred photos per minute! And they can get you in some embarassing situations as well. For example if a picture of you drinking beer in the park goes to the internet. That wouldn't be very good for your reputation, would it? Last but definetely not least it's all the work you need to do. Becoming a star is hard, but keeping your succes is even harder! Everyday you'll need to think of new ideas for a song or a film. Or if you are a sports star the training you'll have to do will make you sick just thinking about it! And all of these thinks won't leave any time for your family and personal life.

On the other hand however, there are some things which could result in freedom. First of all, with the amount of money you have you could go on long holidays or buy a nice wooden hut in the mountains, away from the big cities where you could find some peace and quiet. Lastly, you have the freedom to choose almost everything that pops up into your mind- where to live, how to live, what to buy, where to go etc.

To sum up, being a star isn't easy at all and it can leave you no freedom. And the things that actually can make you free aren't that much, but at least they exist. So fame can keep you more busy, rather than make you free.

MaRtIn UzUnOv

{Fame results in a lot of freedom}

Many people are dreaming to be famous. Does the fame make the people happy? The famous people lost their freedom because of the others - paparaci, fans etc.

What is true is that the fame results in a lot f freedom.  When a human have a high goals and he doesn't understand that many people will know him. For some people maybe that's the goal, but to be famous have and bad things. There are people that are blinded from the fame and they become selfishes, they only depend on the people's post.

On the other hand it is also ovious that the fame opens a lots of doors. There are people that don't think only to be famous.That brings them happieness. That's the most important thing for their life. Tha public attention makes them happy.

In conclusion it can be argued that thae fame can brings us happiness or to desroy our lifes.   

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

wealth does not bring hapiness ....

Some people argue that wealth makes the world go around but others claim that money is just materials and it is nothing.

What is true is that most of the people are shellfishes, thinking only for themselves, for wealth. Wealth can achieve a lot of dreams.
First of all it could give you good education.
When a person has good education his carrier is successful too. Lastly with the wealth people can have everything that they want… for example cars, big houses and etc.

On the other hand wealth can have negative effects too. The first and most is that wealth can break up relationships. Secondly your friends can disappear because you have got a lot of money and you are very insolent so your friends live you alone. Last but not least and the most important, wealth can break up your family, family ship.

To sum up wealth and money have positive and negative effects but if we think we will see that wealth breaks more than it makes….

Made by Ivana Kalinkova

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Wealth does not bring happiness ! ! !

Most of the people think that the money is the most important thing. Yes, it is important but not the most important. Everybody think that when you have money evrything will be perfect , no problems but they are the main reason for most of the problems. When you have money you are not happy. Only in the begining you feel happy but after time you realise that steb by step you are losing everything you have.

With money you can buy everything you want except health and happiness.Buyng everything you want will not make you happy for long only for some hours. When you are rich you think that everybody will want to be your friend but your real friend will not feel very good because you overpass them.You will have friend that are with because the money you have.

Although your family will not be very happy. If you have happy well organised family life money can destroy everything and happiness goes to hell. You do not need money when you are happy. But if you are not happy make friends and you will become very happy.

There are lots of poor people all around the world who are happy without $ because the have side by side family and real friedns.That makes them glad and happy.

Happiness depends only on us. If we have family and friends we are happy and do not need more. So everybody have to try to make his life happy and to live it in individual way.

Made by :Veronica

Wealth doesn't bring happiness-true or false

For many people wealth is everything. I think that it is good but not so much. If you are so rich someone could want your money but if you haven’t got money you wouldn’t have big house, car, computers and other things.

Svetoslav Valchev

Wealth does not bring happiness

 Some people argue that having lots of money makes you happy because you could buy everything you want, while others claim that money has nothing to do with happiness and that it depends on friends and social life.

 What is true that with money you can buy lots of things that can make you happy and with such a wealth you are bound to be famous but that's not what happiness is.

 Firstly, if everyone hates you because of your terrible personality you would never have any friends. And even if you aren't that bad the ''friends'' you would get won't do anything else than trying to get money from you. Furthemore money can completely destroy you from the inside. Everyday you would want more and more. You would be aggressive and never find peace because of trying to increase your wealth. And Last but not least, other people would try to steal your precious money and may even kill you for it. And that is definetely  something you don't want to happen.

  On the other hand if you know how to use  your wealth wisely you could definetely achieve happiness.

 First of all, if you spend some of your money in good causes like charity for example people would love you and you could even get some real friends.Finally, if you share your money with your friends and family you can make so that you have just the right amount for your needs. And that decreases the chances of thiefs getting in your house.

 In conclusion the money is a powerful weapon and if you know how to use it right you could be happy forever.

 Martin Uzunov




Wealth does not brings happiness

We live on this planed only to be happy and the most important thing for us is happiness. Some people argue that the money are the most important things in our lives and that they can help us to be happy. However, others claim that the most important things in our lives are the family life and the friendship.

What is true is that rich people who have big wealth are happy, because they can have everything what they want: cars, planes, big and luxurious, big holidays. But that isn’t happiness. Firstly, these people haven’t got real friends, they have friends but only because the money. Finally, the wealth make the rich people arrogant. They thing that they are masters of the world and make everything they want.

It is undoubtedly true that poor people who haven’t got so money are happy too, because they have real friends and good family life. Poor people can’t buy everything they would like so the most important things for them are this- friends and family life.

In conclusion, it can be argue that wealth can bring happiness but only on some kinds of people and only on some kinds of people friends and family life can bring happiness.

Angel Buzov

Monday, June 15, 2009

Wealth does not bring happiness

Some people argue that, when you have got lots of money you do not need friends, while others claim that even you have got lots of money without friends you are not happy. Another people argue that without money they are sad. However, others claim that they have not got lots of money, but they are happy, because their families and their friends are around them. They said too that one person can live without money, but it cannot live without the love of the family and without the friendship. Some of the people argue that the rich people are happier than the poor people because they can do and buy what they want. There are other reasons that can prove that the rich people are happier than the poor people.

It is undoubtedly true that wealth people are not happier than the poor people.
Firstly, the rich people have got lots of money that mean that they can buy and do what they want: car, luxurious and modern house, a big holiday on some tropic places. But they cannot have got really friends. Because if they have got friends they should know that they are their friends only because they have got lots of money. They are only envy of your wealth.
Secondly they can do lots of things with their money. Finally all rich people think that they are the king of the world and that they can do everything.

On the other hand, it is also obvious that the rich people are so happy, because they have got money. They are happy because their family love them.
Nevertheless if the rich people did not receive love from her/his parents, don’t think that her/his could become famous star and have got lots of money.
In addition the rich people have got lots of problems. The photographs take photos of them everywhere on the street.
Last of all the rich people are not happier than the poor people.

In conclusion, it can be argued that all rich people are happy and that all poor people are sad. Some rich people can be sad and some poor people can be happy.

{Wealth does not bring happines}

The happiness is really important for our life, we just live to be happy. Some people argue that the money are the most important thing that can help us to be happy while others claim that the most important things that help us to be happy are the frednship, familly and the education.

What is thrue is that people who have a big wealth are happy but only, because they have money. Firstly, thet think that they are some kind of masters and do what they want even it is against all the laws. Moreover, they become selfish and arrogant. Finally, they do not fell happiness when everything become complicated. 

On the other hand it's also obvious that the poor people are happy too, even happier than the reach people. Te first is that they may have the hope that one day they will have a big wealth or just what they want. In addition the most important things that brings them happiness are the family, frendship and the education.Last but not least poor people can't have what they want but can have good mood because of their friends.

To sum up it can be argued that wealth brings happiness to certain kind of people.

Aishe Uruch 

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Wealth does not bring happiness

Happiness depends from us and we live to be happy , to remember something from this life. Some people argue that the money is the most important thing in our lives. On the other hand , there are people who claim that the money is important but friendship , family life or education make people happy.

What is true that people who think only for money and the main reason for their lives is to be rich ,have really different way of live. Firstly , they have everything what they want : cars , big and luxurious houses , every weekend on holyday on some tropic places etc. Moreover , they are feeling happy with all of this things which they have . Finally , wealth make some of the rich people arrogant. They think they are kings of the world and make what they want.

It is undoudtendly true that people which are not so rich are really happy people. Nevertheless, wealth not always and not for everybody brings happiness. For people which are not so rich the most important in their lives are family , friends , education. If you haven`t these things you are not happy. In addition , without family or friend what`s the point of wealth. Doesn`t point. Last but not the least , everybody will talk that it is your friend but it won`t be. The real friend is those who can tell everything even you are the poorest person in the world.

In conclusion , it can be argued that wealth can bring happy but only on some kind of people. These who care about family , friends are really happy people. On the other hand , these who are rich are also happy but because they have money and people around them make their friends .

Vaska Churkova

Friday, June 12, 2009

Art theft mystery

The actor Max Nail had a party in his house in Hollywood last night. During the party, someone stole a picture in a large frame, but nobody saw anything. The painting was in a locked room and the door was still locked in the morning when Max went to get the painting. He was going to lend it to the Museum for a special exhibition next week.

Crime scene:

- room on first floor; all windows locked except one small one ( if the door was still locked in the morning then someone must have used that window to get in the room).

- small pieces of wood found near the window .

- muddy footprints (shoe size 36) between window and wall where the painting was standing ( size 36 shoes can fit children and the mud means that someone must have come from the garden and go to the room through the window).


- frame of the painting found in pieces at the bottom of the garden (perhaps the thief tried to get the painting out of that small window and therefore the frame broke)

- small, sharp knife found by dustbin

- footprints (shoe sizes 36 and 44) lead from lawn to road via dustbin ( so there were 2 thieves, the shoe sizes match a child and an adult).

Visitors in past week:

- Jake Silversmith, art expert, looked at the painting last week and offered to buy it - It can't be him because if he's an expert that means he has bought many other painting and has a lot of money to buy the picture.

- Justina Goodman, cousin and poor relation. Asked Max for money. - It is a little possible for her to be the one of the thieves but she is Max' cousin so there is no reason to steal a valuable painting just to get a few bucks.

- Frank Constance, neighbour, mid 60s, short and heavy (shoe size 41). Max owes him money. - There is no way an old man could have gone through the small window and the shoe size doesn't match so it can't be him.

- Dave Thorman, window cleaner and art enthusiast, came with daughter(14) - They must be the thieves! The girl could wear shoes size 36 and go through the window. Her father must have unlocked the window and since he likes painting he must have stolen the picture plus the 44 size shoes could fit him. Also Dave could've used the small knife to get the painting out of the frame. Everything matches!

Martin Uzunov

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Art theft mystery

The actor Max Nail had a party in his house in Hollywood last night. During the party, someone stole a picture in a large frame, but nobody saw anything. The painting was in a locked room and the door was still locked this morning when Max went to get the painting. He was going to lend it to the Museum for a special exhibition next week.

The painting was on the first floor in room with all locked windows except a small one. Maybe the thief is small person or child who can get through the opened window. There were found small pieces of wood and muddy footprints (shoe size 36) near the window. At the botton of garden the policemans found frame of the painting. Small,
sharp knife was found by dustbit and there were found footprints (shoe size 36 and 44).

Visitors in past week:

-Jake Silverman-art expert, looked at the painting last week and offered Max to buy it
Jake Silverman can’t be the their because if he offer to buy the painting, he may have had money.

-Justina Goodman-cousin and poor relation who asked Max for money
Justina Goodman can have been the thief because she needs money and she can earn them from the painting.

-Frank Constance-neighbour, mid 60s, short and heavy (shoe size 41) Max owes him money
Frank Constance can’t have been thethief because he is fat and he can’t get trough the window

-Dave Thorman-window cleaner and art enthusiast, came with his daughter (14)
Dave Thorman and his daughter may be the thief because the crime was made by two. D. Thorman is haveing the keys of all rooms because he is a window cleaner. Heopened the small window and use his daughter to get in and to stole the painting. The muddy footprints (size 36) must have been hers and the footpints (size 44) must have been her fathers (Dave Thorman). So the thiefs are Dave Thorman and his daughter.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Art theft mystery !

Crime scene:
-room on first floor; all windows locked expert one small one
-small pieces of wood found near the window
-muddy footprints (shoe size 36) between window and wall where the painting was handing
-frame of the painting found in pieces at the bottom of the garden
-small , sharp knife found by dustbin
-footprints (shoe size 36 and 44) lead from lawn to road via dustbin.
Visitors in past week:-
-Jake Silversmith , art expert , looked at the painting last week and offered to buy it.
Jake Silversmith can`t have stolen the painting. He is art expert and it is possible to go into the room and stole the painting but the room was still locked this morning. So he is not the thief.
-Justin Goodman , cousin and poor relation. Asked Max for money.
Justin may have been the thief but he isn`t . He had asked Max for money but that don`t make Justin the thief. I haven`t evidences to prove that he is the thief.
-Frank Constance , neighbor , mid 60s , short and heavy (shoe size 41) Max owes him money. Frank could have been the thief but it`s possible not to be. He is Max`s neighbor. But he looks short and heavy and can`t have gone into the window.
-Dave Thorman , window cleaner and art enthusiast , came with daughter (14)Dave must have been the thief. He is window cleaner so he can repair windows. But the most important evidence is that he comes with his daughter (14).She may have gone thru the window and take the painting. Shoe size is also important. Children on age 14 usually buy shoes with number 36.
With these evidences I think the thief is Dave Thorman with help on his daughter.

Vaska Churkova

Art Theft Mystery

The actor Max Nail had a party in his house in Hollywood last night. During the party, someone stole a picture in a large frame, but nobody saw anything. The painting was in a locked room and the door was still locked this morning when Max went to get the painting. He was going to lend it to the Museum for a special exhibition next week.
The painting was in the room on the first floor. All windows were locked except one small window.So the thief can't have gone into the room throught the door and throught the small window. Near the window are found small pieces of wood. The pieces must have been from the frame of the picture. There were found muddy footprints (shoes size 36) between window and wall where the painting was hanging. So the thief must have been a child or a very thin person, who has got small legs.
There are another proofs, which are found in the garden. The frame of the paintng was found in pieces at the bottom of the garden. The thief might have been in hurry or the painting was so big so he/she decided to broke the frame of the painting to became smaller and to be transition easier throught the small window. Small,sharp knife was found by dustbin. Footprints (shoes sizes 36 and 44) were lead from lawn to road via dustin.

Jake Silversmith is an art expert, was looking at the painting last week and offered to buy it. The painting can't have been stolen from J.Silversmith, because he is a rich person and he can buy the picture. So the painting was stole by somebody else.

Justina Goodman is Max's cousin and poor relation. She asked Max for money. So J.Goodman could be the thief of the panting, because if she stole the painting and sell it for a large sum of money,she will receive money of which she needs. So she is one of the suspects.

Frank Constance is Max's neibourhood. He is mid 60s. He is shortand heavy(shoe size 41). Max owes his money. F.Constance can't be the thief, because his shoe size is 41 and because is heavy.So the person , who stole the painting is somebody else.

Dave Thorman is window cleaner and art enthusiast. He came with his daughter. She is at the age of fourteen. D.Thorman and his daughter(14) must have been the thiefs. There are proves:
-The crime was done by two.
-The window cleaner has the keys for all rooms.
-The shoes sizes 36 and 44 are of the father and of the daughter.
-The daughter can come into the room throught the small window.
So the thiefs are Dave Thorman and his daughter.
Art theft mystery
The actor Max Nail had a party in his house in Hollywood last night. During the party, someone stole a picture in a large frame, but nobody saw anything. The painting was in a locked room and the door was still locked this morning when Max went to get the painting. He was going to lend it to the Museum for a special exhibition next week.

Crime scene:
On the first floor all room's windows were locked exept
a small one. Maybe the thief is a child who can get through
the small window. There were found small pieces of wood
near the window and muddy footprint (size 36) between the
window and the wall where the painting was hanging.

There were found the frame of the paining in pieces, a
small, sharp knife and two footprints (size 36 and 44).
S0 the thieves could be two.

Jake Silversmith- looked at the painting last week
and offered to buy it. He can't be the thief because
he probably had money and he didn't need to stole
He isn't the thief.
*Justina Goodman- Max's cousin and poor relation.
Justina asked him for money. She might be the thief
because she hasn't got money but she needs it. If she
stole the paining and then sell it she can earn money.
She could be the thief.
*Frank Constance- Max's neighbour. He is in his
60s. Frank can't be the thief because he is old and
heavy so he isn't able to get in the room trough the
Hi isn't the thief.
Dave Thorman-window cleaner and his daughter (14).
He came at the day of the crime. It was made by two.
Dave is a window cleaner so he had keys for the windows.
Before he went in the house with his daughter he probably
left the window opened. The footprint witch size is 36 must
be his daughter's and the others witch size is 44- his.
Dave and his daughter are the thieves.

{Art Theft Mystery}

The actor Max Nail had a party in his house in Holywood last night. During the party, someone stole a picture in a large frame, but nobody saw anything. The painting was in a locked room and the door was still locked this morning when Max went to get the painting. He was going to lend it to the Museum for a special exhibition next week.
The room was on the firs floor.There were some windows, but they ware locked except a small one, so the thief might have been thin to get in. There were found small pieses of wood near the window and muddy footprints (shoe size 36) between the window and the wall where was the painting haging, so the thief must have broken the frame which the paintig was in.
There was another proof that the thief have broken the frame, because it was found in pieces at the bottom of the garden and a small, sharp knife found by a dustbin.There were also found footprints (shoe size 36 and 44) witch lead from the lawn to the road via a distbin.
Jake Silversmith - art expert, was looking at the painting last week and offered Max to buy the painting, so it can't of been him because if he offered to buy it, might have had money.
Justina Goodman - Max's cousin, asked him for money. It could have been her because she can't have had money and I think that she had solen the picture to sell it and in this way to get money.
Frank Constance - Max's neighbour. Max owes him money. It can't of been him because he have got shoe size 41 and he is too old to get in the small window.
Dave Thorman - window cleaner and art enthusiast, came with his daughter(14) at the day of the crime. He must have got the windows keys and use his daughter to get in. She is 14, so the muddy footprints (size 36) must have been hers and the other footprint whith lead from the lawn to the road must have been her faters (Dave).
That tells us that it must have been Dave thorman with his daughter.

Made By: Aishe Uruch

Friday, June 5, 2009

Art theft mystery !

The actor Max Nail had a party in his house in Holywood las night. During the party, someone stole a picture ina large frame, but nobidy saw anything. The painting was in a locked room and the door was still locked this morning when Max went to get the painting. He was going to lend it to the Museum for a special exhibition next week.

The room's windows were locked except the small one. So the thief could have been tiny to get into the room through this small window(it's possible to be a child). The police found wooden pieces near trhe window and muddy footprint(size 36). The frame of the painting was found in the garden on pieces and two footprints(size 36 and 44).Now we are going to see the last visitors.

-Jake Silversmith-offered to buy the painting. The painting can't have been stolen by him because he offered Max money to buy the pictute and he could be rich man. So the picture was stolen by someone else.

-Justina Goodman-Max's cousin . She asked him for money.She could be the thief because she needs money and if she stole the picture after that to sell it for a large price . So she is one of the suspects.

-Frank Constance-neighbour, short and heavy.He can't have stollen the painting because it's imposible for him to get in the room through the small window

-Dave Thorman-window cleaner. he came with his daughter(14 years). The crime was done by two.The window cleaner have the keys for the windows so he could have opened the small window and after that his daughter entered the room and took the picture. She left her muddy footprint-size 36 .In the garden were found another two footprints. The man could have shoe size 44 because the 36 sized footprint it' left by his daughter. So Dave Thorman and his daughter stole the painting.

Made by:Veronica

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

How to inprove EDUCATION

I am really into Vaska’s ideas, so I am going to write for the same ones … :)

- Students to be more ambitious and responsible:

All students from 1 till 12 grades should be more ambitious and responsible for their education. It is the most important part from every person’s life. The education person gets is its destiny in the other part of every person’s life. If you have a poor education you don’t have any chances to get a good job, and usually it is a low-paid job. If you have very good education, you will have a good job; your life will be more luxurious and cosy.

- Books and notebooks should include only important things:

If these books and notebooks include important and not so important things for the material from a specific grade, the children won’t be able to understand the whole material and it is possible to fail their final exams.

- Students to have more respect to their teachers and teachers to students:

I know what the behavior of “today” children is. Like Vaska says – “We are at school to learn something”, but we begin to be more and more aggressive and arrogant with our teachers. We cannot say that appreciate the effort, but they are not really kind with us. Teachers begin to be angry with the older students, and put this angry to us.

Georgia Stoeva

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

How to inprove EDUCATION

-Teachers to be more qualified
That is the real problem of our education. Not the only teachers are really into teaching .Some of the teachers are in schools only for one reason : to take some payment. But that isn`t meant that every teacher isn`t good in teaching. Of course have really very qualified teachers. From these we are needing- from able people who are care about us and want we to learn the most important thinks .

- Students to be more responsible and ambitions it their education.
I you want to achieve a success you have to be first of all very ambitions. To be hardworking , every day to try to learn something new and to getting better and better.

- Workbooks to including only the important lessons.
Mainly, a lot of workbooks include information which is just to make our head full. To be interesting one lesson , he have to including only the importance of the lesson. And that we will listen more in class.

- Students have to have more respect on their teachers.
I am also student and I know how the other student are talk on our teachers. Nowadays , the teenagers are aggressive and sometimes arrogant with their teachers , but that is the reality. We are in school to learn something , but usually we are very unkind with our teachers. This have to be change. And it depends only from us.

Vaska Churkova

"Dropout Factiry"

WASHINGTON - It’s a nickname no principal could be proud of: “Dropout factory,” a high school where no more than 60 percent of the students who start as freshmen make it to their senior year. That description fits more than one in 10 high schools across America.

“If you’re born in a neighborhood or town where the only high school is one where graduation is not the norm, how is this living in the land of equal opportunity?” asks Bob Balfanz, the Johns Hopkins researcher who coined the term “dropout factory.”

There are about 1,700 regular or vocational high schools nationwide that fit that description, according to an analysis of Education Department data conducted by Johns Hopkins for The Associated Press. That’s 12 percent of all such schools, about the same level as a decade ago.

Svetoslav Valchev

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Colored dresses
These dresses can make you feel
and be different. The pink one
can make you feel happy. The
green - beautiful. Whih the red
dress you will fly. The yellow one
will make you feel like buterfly -
beautiful and free. When you
are with the orange dress you
will have the best voice. And
if you wear the blue one you
will be dangerous like the sea
and lovely like the sky.

Friday, May 22, 2009


Do you ever wish you could keep up with all the good movies and TV series out there yet you don't have enough time to watch them? How would you feel if you could watch all your favorite new shows,series,or movies and still have time to do other activities? If that's the case you should definetly have a SPEED TV. This doesn't mean racing, adrenaline and other shows like that. The Speed TV is a system that would allow a person to watch hours of television in a fraction of the time . Even better , you could watch hours of television in your sleep and wake rested and refreshed on the entire latest episodes of your favourite TV shows. So if you want to have lots of free time buy a SPEED TV. Oh, and the first 100 people to buy it will get a 50% discount so you'll be able to buy it for only 50,000$.

Marian Vodenov!!!!

I’d like in future to have house-robots. This type houses will have artificial intellect. They will move in the air by winds like the winds of the planes but bigger. The houses will have three floor, in every room if you ‘d like something you only have to say that and the house will do it. This inventions will have swimming pool, fitness room and lot of other rooms. They will have other advantage, houses-robots will be able to speak, and if you are feеling alone you can talk with the house. I’d like future housesto be that.


The Hazardous Environment Vest will be the ultimate armor. Its special matter makes the suit weight just 20kg but will immediatly become as hard as a diamond when it senses fast moving objects like bullets. The armor will also resist radioactive waste, electricity and extreme temperatures. It also has an automated medical system inserted if things get nasty. As soon as the system indicates damage on the person it will heal him with all necessarry medicines.

With the power of science and technology this suit becomes a must-have for every soldier!

Martin Uzunov

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The clear machine



My Invention

It's called Virtual Reality World Of Warcraft It will contain glasses,boots,gloves and main console.The game won't be very simple you will be able to choose you hero race,weapon,clothes and others.Now there is such kind of console but not so reality.
When you put on the glasses you will see every little stone on the ground, with the boots and the gloves when you move your hero will move too.
World Of Warcraft a computer game now, and a hole new virtual world in the future........

Ivan Velev

INVENTION:How to learn lots of languages?

This new invention will help you to learn languages that you want to know. This invention will be a small chip that you will put in your ear. When you put it you will know all languages. Without helping of the teacher, without useing books or dictionaries and without learning grammar or vocabulary you will be able to speak this languages and write them,too.
When you want to write something you will say the sentence in your mind and the chip will spell it in the language that you need. Or when somebody talk to you, but he/she is from another country and speak another language you will understand what he/she want to say. The best thing is that you will have the same intonation like the people,who live in this country and you won't be different from them.
When you see a inscription on another language this chip will translate it in your mind.

INVENTION: A Babysitter Robot

I think that we will need a Babysitter machine. Many women in the world may be tired of combining work and children. In my opinion it will be useful to create a machine which could feed, wash, help with the homework and even play with the kids. In my point of view the designers of the robot should make a one-day scene with the robot and kids - volunteers just to show worried mothers that their children will be happy and there won’t be any place for worrying. In my view, such a machine will make our day more comfortable and no-worrying.
I am sure that machine is better than an old lady to care for your children. It is better to pay once for the machine (and that won’t be too much), not to pay every day, about 50$.

Made By: Georgia Stoeva

INVENTION >> The egg-room

This is a small room outside and very big inside. It's like a big egg and have a button witch can make it like a small eggand you can put it in your pocket.The egg-room have got a feature witch recognise it owner's eye and then it opens the door.

In it when you want somethink and say it not very loudly it appeares.For example when you say - "I want a pizza on the table now!" - Then the pizza appeares on your table now.

When you are very tired and you're not at home you can just grab it from your pocket and get in to sleep.

By: Aishe Uruch

The best job for me

I’d like to work in football team
as a right half. I am really into football.
I’ve got talent, luck and skills to
work with other players. I am good
at attacking and defending and
for that I’d like to be half. I hope
when I get old for playing football
to be football trainer.
I think that this is the perfect job for
me and that it will suit me very well.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The best job for me

I think I'd like to work as a computer programmer. My father works as such and he always shows me how to fix this and that. Also the future will soar with this kind of jobs because technology will become more and more complex. And computers have always brought me satisfaction so I think that if I develop my skills to a higher level and use my talent working as a computer programmer will suit me perfectly.

 Martin Uzunov

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Best Job For Me

I'd like to work as coach in the football asociation
called ''FIFA'',especialy as coach.I like to work as
coach because I have the skills to make forma-
tions and squads.Thats why I chose to be coach-
ing in ''FIFA''.

Made by:Nasko Nedev

The best job for me

I’d like to work as a teacher at history. I’m really into history and it seems to me that this is very nice and easy object. I have talent for working with children and for teaching. It’s not hard to be a teacher and I demand it. Depending on me I’ll be a teacher.


I think I’ll make a machine which makes everything what people do. The machine’s name is ‘MAKER’ and it can write your homework, clean your room, go shopping, tie up your shoes, make up you, brush your teeth and wash up you…The machine has got two arms and legs which can do everything. You can operate it with a remove control which makes the work easier. The machine can too be as a computer, a TV and it can read…The funniest part is that it’s just like a cooker and it’ll cook what you want… When you got home the ‘maker’ will see you and open your doors to come in. In the future that will be very useful and it will be at the top.

New York

New York had been find by the holands. First they went to Manhattan, which name was New Amsterdam. It was renamed by the king James. It had been capital city for a short period of time and then it started became more and more big and full off immigrants. Now the city has a lot of enjoyable sites. Empire State Building, Ellis Island, Broadway theatre productions, museums such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and other tourist attractions including like a parks- Central Park, Washington Square Park, Rockefeller Center, Times Square, the Bronx Zoo, New York Botanical Garden, luxury shopping along Fifth and Madison Avenues, and events and feasts such as the Halloween Parade in Greenwich Village, the Tribeca Film Festival, and free performances in Central Park at Summerstage. You can go and see beautiful places and sits that are popular. If you are not interested in walking and watching places there are a lot of restaurants and coffees.


Dear students

Here in your new task. Enjoy it!

Invent a device you think will be useful in the future. Comment on your group mates inventions and VOTE for the best one justifying your choice!

Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro is the second largest city in Brazil and South America behimd Sao Paulo.It was Brazil's capital nearly two centuries,until Brasilia took it's place. In Rio the carnivals,the samba music and the beaches are very popular in Brazil. Also the giant statue of Christ,one of the seven wonders is the biggest tourist attraction in the city.The world largest football stadium is there.The Copacabama beach there is the centre of activity both night and day. You can travel in the metro,tram,plane and the highway. MotoGP and volleyball world finals are in Rio every year. And F1 grand prix also the surfing championships were there.
Ivan Velev

The Best Job For Me

I'd like to work in a NBA basketball team, as a coach for example.I'm really into basketball and I have skills to organize the game and the players position.The trainer or player suits me perfectly.

Ivan Velev

Rila Monastery

The Rila Monastery is one of the most important cultural monuments and also the biggest in Bulgaria. It was founded by Ivan Rilski in 10th centuary. In 1778 the monastery got  caught on fire but 6 years later Aleksi managed to repair it. It's devided into 3 parts- Main church, Residential part and Monastery museum.  

The Main church has 5 domes, 3 altars and 2 side chapels. It's famous for its wood carvings and also contains the most precious items inside like the gold-plated iconostasis.

The residential part consists of 300 champers, 4 chapels, and abbot's room, a kitchen and a library housing 250 manuscripts and 9000 old printed matters. The exterior of the complex with its high walls and small windows resembles more a fortress more than a monastery.

The monastery museum is famous for housing Rafail's cross- an wooden cross(81x43cm) containing 650 miniature figures and recreating 104 religious scenes. Rafail worked on it for 12 years before it was done.

 Martin Uzunov

Monday, May 18, 2009

The best job for me

The perfect job for me is a psychologist. I am into the idea to help people and to solve their problems. I think I have the perfect qualities to work that job. Some of them are that I am a good listener, calm and I can solve problems connected with people’s daily routine. And when I figure out any kind of problems I will get more experience and I won’t make those mistakes in my future life. I want to become a psychologist because I am sure that my mum will be really proud of me. And the last reason is that psychologists get lots of money …:D.

Made by: Georgia Stoeva

The Best Job For Me

I am really into teaching and helping the students to understand. So the best job for me is a teacher. As i have a talent for teaching students, i would like to work as Maths teacher or an Engish teacher in an university. Being able to know some languages would suit me. I would like to work in an unversity like American as English teacher or in an uiversity also in another country as a Maths or English teacher. I hope that i will open up a school, where i and another teachers will teach students at ages from fifteen to nineteen. I want to open up a school in England, where I will teach Bulgarian language to English students.

The perfect job for me!

The perfect job for me is a computers proggrammer.I'm really into working on a computer and have ideas on creations new better proggrammes.As I have a talent for increase and open up new ideas, I think working on that side would give me job statisfaction.For this job is need good knowledge of foreign languages (Let say English - the most popular language today.), as I'll have one day.I like working on my computer 3/4 hours on a day. I'm doing my sites with meny different proggrammes like "PhotoScape","PhotoShop" an others but I want to invent new proggrammes - easyer to work with.That suit me best.
Aishe Uruch

Friday, May 15, 2009

The best job for me !

Everyone dream to become something , to achieve something in the life. As a lot of young people I'd like to work as a computer programmer. I think this is the best job for me because I have talent for that and I'm into computers. I'm very good at typing letters- more than 50 in a munite. It would be great for me if I'm in fornt of the computer 8 hours a day opening up new ideas for internet sites, new programes, and games too. My biggest drem is to become an owner of company which creates programmes like "PhotoShop" . I'm very ambitios and I will do everything to achieve this .Of course to be a programmer you have to know some foreign languages(English for example). The advantage of that job area is that I will be able to communicate with other programmesr from all over the world. So this job would suit me best.
Made by:Veronica