Friday, May 15, 2009

The best job for me !

Everyone dream to become something , to achieve something in the life. As a lot of young people I'd like to work as a computer programmer. I think this is the best job for me because I have talent for that and I'm into computers. I'm very good at typing letters- more than 50 in a munite. It would be great for me if I'm in fornt of the computer 8 hours a day opening up new ideas for internet sites, new programes, and games too. My biggest drem is to become an owner of company which creates programmes like "PhotoShop" . I'm very ambitios and I will do everything to achieve this .Of course to be a programmer you have to know some foreign languages(English for example). The advantage of that job area is that I will be able to communicate with other programmesr from all over the world. So this job would suit me best.
Made by:Veronica

The perfect job
I'd like to work as an actress. I'm really into watching
films and I'm good at playing roles. I like this job because
it will make me famous. Another reason to be an actress
is the feeling. When I watch a film I experience the feeling of the actor.
If I work as an actress these feelings will be harder.

I know that if I want to work this job I have to know some
foreing language. But thes isn't a problem for me because
I'm really ambitious.

I have a talent for being an actress and working this job will
suit me best.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

My perfect job

I`d like to be computer programmer .I`m really into working with computers and I think I have got a talent for that.I like this job because I am very ambitions and it`s really nice for me to sit all day in front of the computer creating new ideas for some new programmes.I know to be really good at programming I have to be able to speak some foreign languages. The main is English.To learn this language I have to be hardworker which means every day work on the English and a lot of enthusiasm.Being able to work on computer regulary would suit me best.I`m going to do everything to achieve and to be proud with myself.
Vaska Churkova


Bansko is located in the mountain of Pirin. It is on 40km from Goce Delchev and on 150 km from Sofia. Its altitude is 925m above the sea level.

Bansko is one of the most famous places in Bulgaria. It is famous with the World Cup Of Skiing, which was this year. It is famous with the Ski Resorts, beautiful hotels and the wonderful nature, too. In Bansko you can have an adventour in another world- more interesting and more exciting.

In Bansko was born Paisii Hulendarski. Paisii Hilendarski wrote "Istoria Slavenobalgarska" in 1762. In Bansko you can visit lots of museum, where you can find lots of interesting things about the history of the town of Bansko. You can see a page from the book"Istoria Slavenobalgarsa". You should take guide to understand more about history of Bansko.

The nature in Bansko is wondeful!!! In the winter the mountains are always covered with white snow. In the mountains there are paths, where you can try skiing, snowboarding and can also catch a lift to see the town.

Selvet Velisha

Rila monastery

The Rila monastery is in southwestern part of Bulgariaand it is situated in Rila mountain. It is created from 927 to941 by St. Ivan Rilski(or for some peope from his students). The creator of the monastery (St. Ivan Rilski) lived in cave, without any material possessions and his students came to cave to receive their educations. The monastery is one of the most regarded Bulgarian cultural monument and it is also a big tourist attraction in Bulgaria and Southeastern Europe. Now it is near Pastra village, it isn’t too far from its first create place. The monastery is on five floors. In it there are church with one bell, something like kitchen but it is used only in the past , defend tower and museum. In 1778 the monastery is destroyed by fire but then it is reconstructed by Alexi Rilets. In 1833 it is destroyed by fire again and again Alexi Rilets reconstructed it. The Rila Monastery became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1983.That is all about it.

Rila Monastery

Rila monastery

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Inventors & Inventions

Smallpoxtook millions of lives in the past. It killed people in Asia,Africa and Europe. Doctorscould do little to help. Attempts to cure the desease were made in China, India and North Africa. Edward Jenner saved people.He lovednature, birds and wild animals. He studied various plants and threes. He finished his stydies for a doctor and returned to his quite village. H e proved that people who had cow-pox never catch small-pox. The Latin word for "cow" is "vacca" and so Jenner called his work "vaccination". The year was 1796. No other vaccine was discovered until 1876 when Luis Pasteur used the same method.

Isaac Newton was the discoverer of the law of the gravitation. . In his early years he could make things with his hands.His neighboursthought that one day he would probanly bbecome a click maker. When he grew older he took great interest in mathematics. His discovery explains the movement of the planets as well as the bodieson the earth.

William Harvey was the English doctor who discovered the circulation of the blood. He studied at Cambridge and then in Italy. He watched the work of the heart of living animals. He set up in London and became a well-known doctor and leturer at the Royal College of Medicine.
Made by : Veronica

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Goce Delchev

Goce Delchev is located in the mountain Pirin. The town's crossed by the 126 km long river Mesta. It's first name was Nevrocop and then it was renamed to one of the most famous bulgarian revolutioners- Goce Delchev. It was a big trading centre back in the 1860s.
Since it's a pretty old town there's a really nice museum at the centre for the history lovers. But if you want to relax you can always visit the beautiful park and have a meal in some really good restaurants. The centre's full of shops with all kinds of goodies- flowers, souvenirs, presents- almost anything you can think of! And if you want to stay for a longer time go to the many comfortable and low-price hotels.
So do you want to visit this beautiful town? If so email me and I'll take you on a guided tour around the town.
Martin Uzunov

Monday, May 11, 2009


I settled to tell you something more about one of the oldest European cities – Sofia. It is located in Western Bulgaria, at the foot of mountain Vitosha and it is administrative, cultural, economic, and educational centre of the country. It is the biggest city in Bulgaria, with population almost 2 million people. In its long past history Sofia had three different names: Serdika, then Sredets and finally Sofia.
A number of low rivers cross the city, including the Vladaiska and the Perlovska. The Iskar River in its upper course flows near eastern Sofia. The city is known for its numerous mineral and thermal springs. Artificial and dam lakes were built in the last century. It is also known with its lots of attractions, for example: The cathedral “Alexander Nevski”, The South Park, The church “Saint George”, The Theater “Ivan Vazov”, Borisova garden, Russian monument, Vitosha boulevard and else. Sofia has and has had lots of mayors like: Stefan Sofiyanski, Ivan Panev, Petar Mezhdurechki, and the present Boyko Borisov – a city councilman since 2005.
Being the country's capital, Sofia is also the centre of Bulgaria's sporting activities, with a large number of sports clubs based in the city. These include most of Bulgaria's primary football teams, such as CSKA, Levski, Lokomotiv Sofia and Slavia, as well as formerly great clubs like Akademik, Spartak Sofia and Septemvri. Some of the biggest and most popular telecommunications companies, TV and radio stations, cable television companies, newspapers, magazines, and web portals are based in Sofia. Some television companies and channels include Bulgarian National Television (featuring BNT Channel 1 and TV Bulgaria), bTV and Nova Television among others. Top-circulation newspapers include 24 chasa, Trud, Sega and others.


Shipka Monument

I decided to tell you my opinion about a real Bulgarian pride, the Shipka monument. This attraction is very special for Bulgarian people and for me, because it has left a trace from the time, which we have been slaves of the Osmanian Empire, and it is something holy. My opinion is, that we should be proud when we see any pictures of that monument, or even if we hear about it, and in my point of view is, that just the combination of words should be reason your heart to start beating faster. It shows how important was to improve our independent in past time.
Actually many popular and not so popular painters described the pain and the persistence with which Bulgarian and Russian struggled for freedom, just on a small painting. Nowadays the word Shipka is told in many poems for example Hristo Botev’s work – O, Shipka, short stories etc. There is even a restaurant in Sofia which is called O, Shipka. Another association is with some of Bulgaria’s and Russia’s most brave people. Some of the brave revolutionaries and soldiers are: Hristo Botev, Vasil Levski, George Sava Rakovski, George Benkovski and some not so popular, but respected Russian heros.



The village Garmen is located between twon mountains-Pirin and Rodopi. Garmen is surrounded by 3 other villages - Debren Dubnica and Ognyanovo. Ognyanovo is the most famous village because of its mineral spirngs. Garmen is also famous. Nicopolis ad Nestrum is ancient roman village buitl in 2nd centuary. There are relics left and you can see them. My village is also proud of its beautiful natrue. There are such beautiful forests that if you see them you won't want to leave. My village has trees 700 years old and still alive. There are holes in the trees because of the Turkish. They had burned the trees to make something like a bed to sleep. Nowadays the kids use those holes to climb the tree.
