Friday, June 5, 2009

Art theft mystery !

The actor Max Nail had a party in his house in Holywood las night. During the party, someone stole a picture ina large frame, but nobidy saw anything. The painting was in a locked room and the door was still locked this morning when Max went to get the painting. He was going to lend it to the Museum for a special exhibition next week.

The room's windows were locked except the small one. So the thief could have been tiny to get into the room through this small window(it's possible to be a child). The police found wooden pieces near trhe window and muddy footprint(size 36). The frame of the painting was found in the garden on pieces and two footprints(size 36 and 44).Now we are going to see the last visitors.

-Jake Silversmith-offered to buy the painting. The painting can't have been stolen by him because he offered Max money to buy the pictute and he could be rich man. So the picture was stolen by someone else.

-Justina Goodman-Max's cousin . She asked him for money.She could be the thief because she needs money and if she stole the picture after that to sell it for a large price . So she is one of the suspects.

-Frank Constance-neighbour, short and heavy.He can't have stollen the painting because it's imposible for him to get in the room through the small window

-Dave Thorman-window cleaner. he came with his daughter(14 years). The crime was done by two.The window cleaner have the keys for the windows so he could have opened the small window and after that his daughter entered the room and took the picture. She left her muddy footprint-size 36 .In the garden were found another two footprints. The man could have shoe size 44 because the 36 sized footprint it' left by his daughter. So Dave Thorman and his daughter stole the painting.

Made by:Veronica

1 comment:

  1. Dear unknown,

    Thank for your contribution to reveiling the mystery. However, let's see if ther is a stronger evidence that proves that another suspect is the criminal.
