Sunday, June 14, 2009

Wealth does not bring happiness

Happiness depends from us and we live to be happy , to remember something from this life. Some people argue that the money is the most important thing in our lives. On the other hand , there are people who claim that the money is important but friendship , family life or education make people happy.

What is true that people who think only for money and the main reason for their lives is to be rich ,have really different way of live. Firstly , they have everything what they want : cars , big and luxurious houses , every weekend on holyday on some tropic places etc. Moreover , they are feeling happy with all of this things which they have . Finally , wealth make some of the rich people arrogant. They think they are kings of the world and make what they want.

It is undoudtendly true that people which are not so rich are really happy people. Nevertheless, wealth not always and not for everybody brings happiness. For people which are not so rich the most important in their lives are family , friends , education. If you haven`t these things you are not happy. In addition , without family or friend what`s the point of wealth. Doesn`t point. Last but not the least , everybody will talk that it is your friend but it won`t be. The real friend is those who can tell everything even you are the poorest person in the world.

In conclusion , it can be argued that wealth can bring happy but only on some kind of people. These who care about family , friends are really happy people. On the other hand , these who are rich are also happy but because they have money and people around them make their friends .

Vaska Churkova

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