Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Wealth does not brings happiness

We live on this planed only to be happy and the most important thing for us is happiness. Some people argue that the money are the most important things in our lives and that they can help us to be happy. However, others claim that the most important things in our lives are the family life and the friendship.

What is true is that rich people who have big wealth are happy, because they can have everything what they want: cars, planes, big and luxurious, big holidays. But that isn’t happiness. Firstly, these people haven’t got real friends, they have friends but only because the money. Finally, the wealth make the rich people arrogant. They thing that they are masters of the world and make everything they want.

It is undoubtedly true that poor people who haven’t got so money are happy too, because they have real friends and good family life. Poor people can’t buy everything they would like so the most important things for them are this- friends and family life.

In conclusion, it can be argue that wealth can bring happiness but only on some kinds of people and only on some kinds of people friends and family life can bring happiness.

Angel Buzov

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